Facial Cosmetics


Home Space For Face

Home Space For Face

The benefits of the natural resources of House Cosmetics are now becoming increasingly popular. This happens, despite the fact that the range of modern cosmetics stores is unusually wide. Our imagination can t even imagine the full range of flowers, shapes and odours that can affect modern cosmetics. And what wonderful and promising slogans we can find on the…

French Professional Natural Cosmetics

French Professional Natural Cosmetics

Skin Light represents and is an official distributor of professional cosmetics from France in Russia. Convinced that women can learn to support beauty every day through internal and external corrections and professional councils, Ella Bashe has revolutionized the world of beauty and has made public care since 1936, building the now legendary brand of the French…

Natural Cosmetics For Body And Hair

Natural Cosmetics For Body And Hair

the Italian trade mark GUAM on hair, face and body care (anthycellulfs to be available), helium and cream for men; the Ukrainian TMWIGORoffers crems, serums, tonics, scrubs, souffles and masks for the natural oil-based person and the earmarking of the hair. We also wish to point out other producers, such asLooky Look, as a wonderful choice of organic cosmetics…

Skin Renewal

Skin Renewal

The skin is tissue: elastic, porous, waterproof, anti-bacterial, sensitive, which can maintain the heat balance, protect against the adverse effects of the external environment, provide fat, protect skin, produce smelly substances and recover (regenerate) and absorb some necessary chemical elements and avoid other adverse effects, protect our species. pH human…

Natural Skin Cosmetics

Natural Skin Cosmetics

In winter, our skin becomes the most sensitive, responding to the cold and wind. Its appearance deteriorates: the dryness rises to silos. But I want to have the perfect skin of my face, it s velvet, with the same color and narrow times. How do you do that? The clay masks clean the skin perfectly and narrow the pores. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com also purifies…

Survival Space

Survival Space

The man has two kinds of beauty - internal and external. Elizabeth Zigmund Toska on the touches that penetrate deep, but at the same time respect individual boundaries. Slow touch, which, however, leaves behind. Is it really possible for a person to be cared for to give a positive impetus to skin and organisms in general? Elizabeth Ziegmund, founder of Dr…

Natural Cosmetics For A Person

Natural Cosmetics For A Person

The wrong choice of cosmetics is the worst enemy for your face s beauty. The multiplicity of chemical compounds, which contain many chemical compounds, may well lead to a wide variety of negative effects: anaes, allergic rash, and sometimes different dermatites. Problems such as invisible black spots, hard-core pores and super dry leather are also unreasonably…

Home Slush For Face

Home Slush For Face

whose prescriptions have ever been published in my blog. Most of these domestic scrubs are made of simple and accessible components, are checked in person and detailed with the rules for their manufacture and use. The page is constantly updated and is being supplemented by new prescriptions for domestic scrubs. Scrab is a heating agent using abrasives ( sugar…

Surface Squad

Surface Squad

House masks for the dry skin of a person who tends to whisper, Dear Readers, today on my blog, I have an article for everyone with dry skin, not just dry, but sloppy. The problem of leather dryness on the face is probably the problem of most women. Looking at this kind of skin face under a giant increase, it looks like the Sahara Desert. A huge number of horns…

Natural Cosmetics For The Face And Body

Natural Cosmetics For The Face And Body

Body care involves the implementation of a range of procedures necessary to achieve skin smoothness and sustenance and the use of special cosmetics. On our website, you will find a qualitative natural cosmetics for the body of the Planeta Organica mark, which will be suitable for your type of skin. You will easily choose the means you need, given the condition…

Natural Scrub For Face

Natural Scrub For Face

Wednesday, 01 Martha 2017 16:22 + quote, you want fresh and beautiful face? Find out how quickly and naturally clean the skin to look 100! 1. Start with a face smashing a tool that suits your skin type. 2. Process the face of orange crust, it sounds really weird, but it ll give the skin a natural glacier. Belt orange crusts in hot water for about 10 minutes and…

Individual Cream Recepts

Individual Cream Recepts

By cooking the cream at home, you re not only saving, but you re winning as well. You can use the most effective ingredients, and you can use the cannons and canners. Corbis/ Recently, in commentaries:Where do we find a cream that will not only be composed of glycerin water?I give the classic answer to make it on my own. It s a little more complicated than making…