French Professional Natural Cosmetics
Company Skin Light represents and is an official distributor of professional cosmetics from France in Russia.
Convinced that women can learn to support beauty every day through internal and external corrections and professional councils, Ella Bashe has revolutionized the world of beauty and has made public care since 1936, building the now legendary brand of the French professional cosmetics Ella Bache (Ella Bache).
The comprehensive approach IN-TEX Beauty is based on the use of advanced ingredients - neutrients - vegetation and deep knowledge of skin needs. The range includes professional programmes in beauty salons, regular daily care and periodic intensive courses.
Ella Bache experts, using pharmacologists, dermatologists and dietologists, offer ready solutions combined with Nutridermologies: Nutridermologies based on notrients are used in:
- Office programmes with exclusive authorised massage, reinforced by professional masks for the person.
- A professional cosmetics for skin.
- in the form of nutrients for daily intake.
Only such " triple " effects can guarantee a steady effect by providing skin and organisms with the necessary formulas both inside (INT) and outside (EX).
What are the challenges?
Multi-year studies have enabled specialists to identify skin needs with various problems in specific nutrients and to identify active molecules from food ingredients. This allows for the development of an individual recipe for an instant and long-term outcome to address all skin problems of women and men.
If you want to make skin blue, string, softness, elasticity and just a healthy species, professional Person cosmetics Ella bache is what you need.
Main secret
Beauty is the foundation of the brand philosophy, the creation of every care is inspired by it, and it is the link between the cosmetologist and the client. It is our duty to ensure that every woman has a unique, diverse and full experience of Ella-Bache every day for all 365 days a year, getting an INT-EX set of beauty and professional leather.