Fruit Piling Feedback
Glikole pyling is a species of chemical piling face. It is performed with glycolic acid, substances contained in an immature beam, sugar cane, grapes. Fruit-acid molecules are so small that they can easily penetrate through the upper layers of skin. And when they're inside, they're starting to work for the epidermis recovery:
- have an adverse effect,
- stimulate the development of collagine,
- increase skin elasticity,
- improve and equalize the colour of the face,
- ensure the rejuvenation and release of small wrinkles.
Types of glicon pyling
The procedure today is so popular that it is in the catalogue of almost every beauty parlor. And often practice Glicole pyling in the homethat professional medicine is risky enough. Because it affects the skin of acid, which requires extreme caution because of the risk of burns and allergic reactions. Therefore, two types of procedure are separated.
- Surface pyling (possibly domestic). Permitted with acid concentration to 40% (ideal 15-30%), with acid-calibre ratios of 2, 4 to 4, 5. Reactions to this type of glicon piling indicate effects on the upper skin layer. Oxy removes dead cells, equals skin, refreshes color. The procedure is recommended for young people with fat and problematic skins and for the holidays to make their face clean.
- Piling (possible only in the cosmetological room). Implemented with acidity between 40 and 70 per cent at pH level below 2, 8. Such a mixture is no longer so immune, but it can solve serious problems: the reduction of the expression of small wrinkles, the presence of " leech " on the face, multiple pigmentation in the form of springs. The 70 per cent negative glicole pyling has always become painful during the procedure, silencing, cinnamon " crusts " which cannot be removed independently.
Recommendations and opposition
If you're going to try the pyling glycolic acid, the feedbacks of those who tested it should not be the main motivation for you. It's important to determine whether you need a procedure and whether it suits you. To this end, it is sufficient to understand the testimony and opposition of the pyling glycolic acid.