Pyling Of Fruit Acids
Fruit pyling or ANA-piling (based on the use of alpha-hydroxic acid-ANA) is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps to clean the skin from the upper calibre of cells, clean the sprays, reduce excessive pygmentation, maximizing skin cover, as surfaces operate. After such a pyling, the skin starts to breathe, takes care of cartilage and looks much better.
As active substances for fruit pyling, natural and synthetic fruit acids (most often wine, apple, glicole, dairy and lemon) are used by cosmetologists. Each of these substances has its own characteristics, so they are chosen by skin type, by some cosmetic problems, and by what outcome a woman wants. In some cases, mixtures are used directly from several acids. Various additional components, such as vitamins (E, C, A), bleaching or tonicious substances, hyalulonic acid, are also added to them for better impact. The mixture ready for use is called pyling-cocktale.
Person piling
Fruit pyling is recommended for use in the following cosmetological issues:
- Burn skin.
- Heated rash.
- Seborine dermatite.
- Expanded time.
- Age leather changes (loss of elasticity, first wrinkles).
In fact, for almost every woman after 30 years, ANA-piling will not be superfluous, especially in the current environment, stress and mass of harmful chemicals in food products (all of which have a very negative impact on skin condition).
Who's anti-piling for fruit acids?
Although fruit pyling for face It is considered to be the safest and most deplorable, if compared with other pylings involving the use of chemicals, it is not always possible and there is even an opposition to this procedure:
- Fresh tan, after which the skin becomes very sensitive.
- Allergic to the funds used during the procedure.
- Novation on your face.
- Any damage and inflammation of the leather cover in the areas where the piling is planned.
- Herpetic skin loss on your face.
- Acute respiratory diseases.
- Cooperos.