Make The Cream With Your Hands
It's summer in the middle, the season of walks in the woods, swimming in rivers and lakes and work in the garden. And you can meet comas or other insects everywhere, and you can keep a decorated mark. So, to help prepare for a meeting with our less favoured brothers, I decided to devote an article to prescriptions. natural equipment from mosquitoes and other insects♪
The most widely used ingredient in store repellents is a dietyltolumide known as DETA. It's a substance designed for U.S. Army needs, scares and kills insects. Although the DETA is very popular, the substance can irritate the eyes and, when exposed to skin, can cause rash, bubbles or painful feelings, it is also not suitable for use near the water bodies, because it is toxic to certain fish species and plankton. In addition, DETA is linked to neurological problems of children and adults. Researchers from Duke University Medical Center found that DETA causes brain cell death and changes in rat behaviour.
In doing so, make natural resources from mosquitoes and other insects with your hands. very simple and accessible. The creation of some prescriptions takes just a few seconds to mix ingredients. In this article, I present several options for insects that can be chosen according to available ingredients.
- 2 L. vodka (or medical alcohol) and/or gammalys.
- 1⁄2 hL vodka as conservative (in case of use of gammalysis without vodka).
- 2 st. l. of one or more oils: grapes, burns, almonds, olives, or oil (which contains natural insecticide compounds).
- 100-110 drops of one or more ether oils: eukalipta lemon, lavanda, citronella, nails, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, Caeput, eukalipta, kedra, meta, Koreans, baselic.
Example of mixture of air oils:
- 55 drip eukalipta lemon (this air oil is a natural substitute for DETA, but it is not recommended for children up to 3 years);
- 15 drops of kernels;
- 15 drops of lavanda;
- 15 drops of rosemary.
Repelent preparation based on air oils:
- Liquid (water, gammalys, butter) in a small dispenser (e.g. 100 ml dispenser, then there will be room to shake the mixture).
- Add air oil.