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How To Make A Cream At Home

What's a chemical cream? Modern cream is a complex emulsion system. Emulsion is a mixed system consisting of two or more liquids that are bad or not mixed together. The uniformity of the mixture shall be supported by the introduction of special emulsions. One of the liquids is usually called the dispersion phase, the other is the dispersed environment. The ratio of phases to the type of emulsary predetermines the type of emulsion.

Emulsion classifications are several: polarity of phases, concentration, large particles. We're interested in polarity classification. There are direct emulsions of " oil in water " when non-alarial fluid is dispersed and polar is dispersed and, on the contrary, reverse emulsions of the " oil-water " .

Direct emulsion is predominantly very light and air, well absorbed, leaves no fat film, no lipstick, easy to use as hammer, day cream or fat cream. Reverse emulsions are usually tighter, and almost always after their use, skin is blestivated if it is not specifically adjusted. They are used as night nutrients, hand and leg creams, dry skin creams.

The simplest example of emulsion cream is classic mayonnaise. We have a oily phase, a water and an emulsionr. The cosmetic cream also consists mainly of the oily phase, the water phase and the emulsor. However, in addition to this, there will necessarily be a presence, so-called active phase and conservative.

To make the cream with our hands, we need to prepare each of these phases. As a oily phase, we can take any vegetable base butter or skin-like mixture of oil. Various hydrolatas or weeds may be a water phase, or simply distilled or filtered boiled water.

There's no way we should ignore the conservative! It's better to buy a well-verified conservative, even if not natural, and use the cooked without any danger. with your hands cream, rather than hypnotizing a banque every day, looking for the slightest signs of mould. For well-founded oils in a simple cream, it is not necessary to add any active substances, but the mixture will only benefit from their addition, and it will be more useful. The most available assets are, of course, air oils. But be careful with high-concentration phytoessence, and carefully follow doses.