Сухой шампунь в домашних условиях - рецепт на Womanincity

Champun At Home

A well-known plant has a very unique sense of purpose, so it has become widely used in domestic and professional cosmetology. The secret of such popularity of the Roma is its universality.

Leaving for skin

Cosmetics prepared on the basis of plant will be suitable for any skin. Normal and fat skin can be cleaned by standing. For 15 minutes, it is sufficient to withstand, in a dark place, two large Roma spoons with half-litre. The remaining plant mass after healing can be used as a mask for a person who gives the skin a mat, makes it gentle and barhatist and prevents the emergence of wrinkles.

In order to get a chemistry, we're going to need a weed fee of 200 millilitres of water five to eight minutes. It will have a useful influence on dry skin, moisture, softening it and preventing silos.

The daily tips of the Roma hot spot will help in the fight against the heated rash, and the steam baths will reduce the number of black spots. The use of nutrient-based hot tubs will increase the treatment effect.

The laundering of bits of ice derived from the chimney of the flower is thinning and refreshing the skin, making it dried and glittering the wrinkles. The rumish-coloured compressions are doing great with fatigue and eye inflammation, preventing sacks and improving the colour of the face.

Hair care

Fragons with champoo and air-conditioning can often detect Roma images - the plant is very good for hair, especially for dry and damaged. Vegetable resistance feeds and improves their structure, gives softness and glacier, stimulates growth by activating bleeds in hair follicula.

The saturated rumb is used to light the hair. They often do the same thing. domestic champoo♪ After we've had this weed, they're buying an inexorable golden shade, and they're sealed. The regular use of Roma-based cosmetics will help to cope with many head skin diseases and prevent the emergence of perchotes.

Leaving for body skin

The use of a rum in the form of warm tubs will help to get rid of the dryness of his hands, heal the cracks, heal and humidize the skin. Compressions from the mole casserole clean up the postpartum.

For the skin of the legs, water procedures will be useful with the Roma. The regular reception of rumish-coloured hot tubs will rid itself of elevated sweating, cool baths are terrific.