Harmless Shampoo
In recent years, more and more people are concerned about the environment. This is due to the fact that the Earth, as a living organism, has finally begun to respond to the harmful effects of mankind. There is even a view that the mass use of deodorants in the form of spray and hair lacs has become a cause of global warming.
Russia has only now become more conscious of environmental issues and interests in environmentally sound materials, products and cosmetics, while in Europe there has long been a real boom of eco-friendly products (fore term “environmentally friendly”.
In European stores, from supermarkets to cosmetics, you can always find so-called " harmless " natural and environmentally friendly products. Not to mention other things that are perfectly normal for Western consciousness, such as segregated garbage collection or windmills.
However, Russians are also gradually approaching the greenness of their lives. More recently, a series of broadcasts were broadcast on television, which, according to the feedback on the Internet and the relay discussions, prompted the population.
They were also blessed with other means of daily care containing allegedly very harmful additions, such as sodium laurilesulphate.
Despite this, many authoritative people claim that sodium laurilesulphate is not as dangerous as it stands. And that the creation of a bad reputation as usual means is beneficial to producers of so-called "Natural Space" .
We tried to figure out whether the laurilesulphate was really harmful, as they say, or whether it was a pyar-war by the producers of “natural” cosmetics with known market leaders.
Harmless shampoo
Coming up the champoo: reading the label
Laurilesulphate sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS, he's sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium, sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS. This surface-activated substance is widely used in champoo, shower gel, bath foam, dental paste, cosmetic cleaning materials.
This ingredient ensures effective cleaning and good foaming. There is a myth that this ingredient may cause skin irritation and even malignant tumours.
Many manufacturers offer, as an alternative to the sodium laurilesulphate, the sodium sodium fluoride, a sodium laureth sulfate, calling it a harmless vegetation substance.